Monday, June 28, 2010

It's Vacation Time!

So tomorrow is the day!  We will be leaving bright and early tomorrow and heading to Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, VA!  The boys just found out about the trip Saturday thanks to my little sister LOL.  They were sitting around the table with her and she was talking about the trip and Austin (my 6 year old) looked at her and said "can we come?" and she said "duh! You ARE going!"

Ah well, it was so funny that I couldn't help but laugh.  They would have found out eventually and I think because they really don't know what Great Wolf is, and they've never been there, they don't really know what to expect so I haven't been bugged constantly with "are we leaving today?" "can we go now?" etc etc.

We'll be spending 2 nights and 3 days there.  Then we'll be leaving there and heading to my in laws house to spend Thursday night through Sunday night at their house.  We always spend the 4th of July with them (well for the last few years anyway) because they have a huge parade in their town, plus a carnival and then fireworks that night.  After fireworks hubby and I will be leaving to come back home.  The boys will be staying with them!  Avery (the 3 year old) will stay for 1 week.  I don't want him to miss a full summer of speech therapy and he'll have already missed 2 weeks between great wolf and his week with them.  The two older boys will be staying with the in laws for the rest of their summer break!  They'll be back home sometime the middle of August.

Oh glorious peace and quiet!!

Once hubby and I get back here, then Tuesday (the 6th) we have the "big" ultrasound!  Ack! I'm excited/nervous about it.  It is what it is though I guess.

While I'm gone I'd love a couple guest bloggers!  If you're interested leave a comment here or email me (mommyshiding (at) yahoo (dot) com)  I will be bringing the laptop and hopefully responding to comments/emails as I can, but will be spending the week relaxing with my family and having some fun so please be patient!

I can't wait!  So excited!  Everything is packed and ready to go in the car first thing in the morning!  Have a great holiday everyone!


Debbie said...

have a great time away!!!!

Julie said...

Can i come?! I need a vacation too :(

Jennifer Juniper said...

Lucky you!! Sounds like a blast, enjoy your peace and quiet.
