Thursday, March 18, 2010

GMYBS- Give Me Your Best Shot!

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk

Give Me Your Best Shot  is simply a fun way to share your favorite shot from the week. What has inspired you? Made you smile? What emotions, personalities, and details have you caught? It is not a photo contest or critique, but a way to look back on your week with a few friends.

My best "Shot" for the week is this one of my son Avery trying so hard to blow a bubble.  He has Speech Apraxia, so it's difficult for him to move his lips, tongue, etc in the correct way to actually "blow".  Most of the time he ends up "blowing" up my face, but that doesn't stop him from trying!!


I have another photo that I took this week that I really like also.  This picture is of my niece and my son Avery at the park.  They are 3 months apart (Avery is older) and they really are best friends :)

So what was your Best "shot" this week?!

Head on over to Better In Bulk to see more shots this week!

Better in Bulk


Run DMT said...

What sweet photos! Your son's expression is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Love your photos. Your neice has beautiful hair.

I was having a look through your previous posts too and had to laugh at the picture of the shoe. My daughter's shoe came apart this week and had to go in the bin!

CJ xx
